
I got nothin'.


gimbel said...

man, even mine is better than that :)

Ben Schnell said...

Awesome dude! Posting is the key. Its the thought that counts. The thought of posting, not what you posted. Its good to see your name on my dashboard update list. Good work.

Christoffer said...

gimbel lies. heed not her deceitful words.

Thanks, ben. you're a good encourager. isn't there a name in the bible (and in our time) that means that!? Oh dude, ben, I hope you read this. I was watching The Dirty Dozen while channel flipping today and there was a part where the Germans were telling each other to hurry the up. That's right!! SCHNELL SCHNELL they yelled. It was glorious.

BrittanyK said...

We are leaving soon for another road trip. Yipeee!

chelsea said...

It looks like rain.

TaraB said...

Yeahhh!!! You posted!!!

Miss Jehle said...

I feel like you should have some material now.