
I searched "running" on WIMP, and then...

...ended up watching the best music video I've seen in a while. I feel like I've been missing out on something in life. The WIMP video was posted on September 28 of some unknown year, and the YouTube video was posted in summer of 2010. And lo and behold, there are several more videos of these chaps I'll have to check out sometime.

I loved the first minute or so especially. Such form, such eloquence, such suavity.

UPDATE: I've watched a couple more of their videos and they are all awesome. These guys. Awesome. It's a lame comparison, but due to my ignorance I'd describe the music as a Japanese Owl City. But very catchy. And their accents. Oh man. It's their videos that make it, though. They film a lot of the scenes in random places during daily life, so people stare and join in and it's all sorts of fun. So cool.


Weird Beard

The end of this. This guy knows what's up. What a cool little photography project. (I saw this via thekidsshouldseethis, an awesome blog.)


The Innovation of Loneliness

It's ironic that I'm posting this (everyone says), but I need to watch it again and think about it again and then respond.

The Innovation of Loneliness from Shimi Cohen on Vimeo.

(I saw it originally on the great wimp.com.)


I am shamed


Why am I not more interested in valuable knowledge? And how does one become more interested? 

I guess it's similar to why I eat Taco Bell or bowls of cereal instead of preparing some broccoli or cooking some oatmeal. Or why I'll put on a sweater over my dress shirt instead of ironing it. Or why I'll play Solitaire instead of just reading my Bible. Or why I'll just go for a quick run instead of strengthening my body as a whole with a variety of exercises and warmups. Or why I'll watch a movie instead of continue in one of the three books I'm "reading." 

I imagine everyone has similar thoughts and similar struggles. But some folks seem to have it down better than others, and I'd like to be one of those folks. Small steps, I suppose. But as always, easier said than done. Easier imagined than created. Easier desired than acquired. 


Living Is FreE

Came across this video via Ben Howard's posterous blog

This guy's got it right. "Plant some shit." Therapeutic. Food is the problem and food is the solution. Gangster gardner. People saying, aren't you afraid people are going to steal your food? "Hell no I ain't afraid they're gonna steal it. That's why it's on the street. That's the whole idea!"

I like Ron's enthusiasm for and manner of trying to give people access to not only good food, but a way out. A better life. A proper use of energy, focus, and creativity.

It made me think of these kids here. How in the world to curb their seemingly insatiable desire for getting-out-of-things, for not-trying-hard, for hating-on-the-cafe-food-because-meat, for Imma-drop-this-wrapper-on-the-floor-because-I'm-ridiculous, for study-hall-what-is-study? Sometimes my biggest frustration is why they can't seem to get off their lazy chubalumps and work on the little things. Why do they have to encourage each other into make excuses for every dumb thing? Why they gotta not take care of the little stuff? Why they gotta treat school like it's something to be avoided as best as possible? I want to see kids who take the life seriously!

Was I like that? Am I still?

Some kids are stellar, lots of kids just have bad moments, and maybe I'm not being fair at all. I'm also 26 and have no ambition in life, so I can't really preach because the log in my eye slurs my speech. Plus, I don't want to be the guerilla gardner of these kids' lives... I got nothin'. So I'll stop here.

But... wouldn't it be nice?