
I'm listening to drugs

How is it that life's simplest and purest joys come in the strangest fashions?  I ran into a link to a site that lets me stream Relient k's new cd and it has brought me great, albeit sleepy, contentedness for the better part of two hours.  I hesitate to go to bed because it is like a drug.  I have to listen to it because it's so good. And the next time it just might be even better.

For a long time I thought that I was a really bad person for not listening too closely to the lyrics of songs.  I was afraid that I should be more like Jones who seems to carefully weigh the value of the lyrics before committing to liking the song or not.  (I don't mean to make him sound too thorough of a scale.  But seriously.  He's a superb guy.  Whom, BTW Wally, I haven't seen or talked to in a while...hmm...and I never got back that paper he gave me.  Despicable friendliness right there.)  Things changed a few days ago when I realized that while I listen to a fair share of secular music, the most meaningful songs to me, the ones that I return to time and again, the ones that make me stop and listen and live more heartily afterwards, they are always ones that have quality lyrics.  Many of them are labeled as Christian songs, but some are not.  Either way, the songs are inspirational to me.

I don't know why Lucifer thought there was something he was missing out on.  Director of Heavenly Music.  I'd take that title.  I bet it was delicious to hear that music.  Delete, rewrite:  I bet it will be delicious to hear that music.


chelsea said...

Sometimes I just don't have anything to add because the blog was just that good, and I relate just that much. This is one of those times. So really, I shouldn't write anything, I should just appreciate it and move on. But something inside me pushes me to comment, as if I'm jumping up and down and yelling, "Yeah! Yeah! Me, too, Chris, me, too! I feel like that, too!" What a lame-o. =) Yer cool, I like this here blog.

BrittanyK said...

i'm glad that you're writing your blogs. it helps me feel connected, even though we aren't neighbors anymore, studying togeher, etc. when life settles down again, and i'm back in town, let's watch a movie or eat pasta. milieu.

TaraB said...

Music moves my soul too Chrees. "Heavenly music"...I'd never thought about that before. I just got chills.

TaraB said...

Also, I love that picture. And the line. Love it.

Nicholas said...

Sometimes I think that you are trying to keep the truth of you being a genius secret my being quiet often times. But if you're going to write blogs like this, everyone is going to know.

Nicholas said...

not "my" in the comment above, but "by"

i wish i proofread.

Ry Yeo! said...

i love you Chris.

Justin Jones said...

Chris. I feel honored to be mentioned in your stellar blog. It was good to see you this weekend brother. Hope it happens again soon.

Anonymous said...

hey man,...you need to show me that CD...i didn't even know they had a new one out...thanks for blogging about it

Brittany said...

just like drugs, you are right ;) know i guess sometimes i am not too careful with the music i listen to either, do agree that music is pretty powerful though! can´t wait to hear the heavenly music someday soon too!

Ben Schnell said...

this blog makes me want to do drugs. and listen to reliant k at the same time.