
Living Is FreE

Came across this video via Ben Howard's posterous blog

This guy's got it right. "Plant some shit." Therapeutic. Food is the problem and food is the solution. Gangster gardner. People saying, aren't you afraid people are going to steal your food? "Hell no I ain't afraid they're gonna steal it. That's why it's on the street. That's the whole idea!"

I like Ron's enthusiasm for and manner of trying to give people access to not only good food, but a way out. A better life. A proper use of energy, focus, and creativity.

It made me think of these kids here. How in the world to curb their seemingly insatiable desire for getting-out-of-things, for not-trying-hard, for hating-on-the-cafe-food-because-meat, for Imma-drop-this-wrapper-on-the-floor-because-I'm-ridiculous, for study-hall-what-is-study? Sometimes my biggest frustration is why they can't seem to get off their lazy chubalumps and work on the little things. Why do they have to encourage each other into make excuses for every dumb thing? Why they gotta not take care of the little stuff? Why they gotta treat school like it's something to be avoided as best as possible? I want to see kids who take the life seriously!

Was I like that? Am I still?

Some kids are stellar, lots of kids just have bad moments, and maybe I'm not being fair at all. I'm also 26 and have no ambition in life, so I can't really preach because the log in my eye slurs my speech. Plus, I don't want to be the guerilla gardner of these kids' lives... I got nothin'. So I'll stop here.

But... wouldn't it be nice?


Andrea said...

You sound like my brother. Not just the speech-slurring, but the diagnosing of irresponsible youth. And I survived my 20s without long-term ambition and still ended up doing meaningful things. It sounds like you are too, actually.

Anthony said...

Imma plant some herbs for all to grab...
But seriously, this last week at outdoor school I wanted to put these kids into my own Lord of the Flies and have them live experience. I hated that camp was only 100 yards away, I hated that they had water bottles from which they could suckle the tit, I hated that they could go grab a jacket to put on. YOU DON'T KNOW %#&@+! I wanted to scream, but I didn't. I'm in there same place. What am I fighting against right now?

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this..."Growing your own food is like printing your own money"...word. Thanks for sharing.