
Frances Jane Crosby

While I was waiting for my students to show up, Garrison Keillor told me that Fanny Crosby was born this day, 1820. I was pleased to hear this.

I’ve been a secret admirer of Mrs. Crosby for several years. A distant one, for I have not tried to get to know her at all, but every time I see her name on the page, I feel like I’m with an old friend. It seems every other day that we sing one of her hymns. 

Mr. Keillor said she wrote thousands of them. I was impressed. He said she used several pen names. I was interested. He also said she was blind. I was intrigued. I imagine her as a quiet type, with a roving, soaring spirit. But maybe she was just a stolid old blind woman who was always writing.  Maybe not.

I don’t know Fanny Crosby, and never will. But I do know that Fanny Crosby wrote things that I love to hear. And that is good enough for me. Fanny Crosby is now one of my heroes.

Happy Birthday, Fanny.


Ben Schnell said...

Keillor always knows the best stuff and says it in the best way

Nicholas said...

go fanny. it's yo birthday.

krista said...

i don't think i would ever name a child fanny...