
It's June 13.

That means that Gabriel gets here today.  And it also means that everyone else is getting here today.  It means that my job really starts today.  It means that my nerves have to find boldness somehow today.  It means that from now on I am likely to be getting even less sleep.  It means that I will probably be seeing people less and less.  It means that things get busy.

It's easy to survive things, but to thrive is a different story.  I'm hoping for the latter, and in fact, I don't think I will be very satisfied with the former.  Anthony said to count the cost.  I haven't sat down to do it yet.  But I think it might be high.  But, you get what you pay for, right?  I think so.


chelsea said...

Today is a little scary, I have to agree. (Gabriel is totally scary.) Jk4eva! But seriously. Tomorrow is going to be the beginning.

Brittany said...

know starting up new at a place is tough but know you are going to adjust and be awesome out there with the kids!