
Yer In For the Day

Yes, urine for the day.  I was forced out of bed by a beneficent bladder this morning.  I got my clothes on, grabbed my backpack, and walked bleary-eyed toward the church.  I put my stuff down on the table by the kitchen.  I had to walk funny down the hallway toward the bathroom to keep from causing an accident.  Then, relief.

I just thought I should share.  How did you wake up today?


Nicholas said...

first thing: alarm. second thing: fart. it's disgusting, but true.

krista said...

first thing: wake up and roll over. second thing: shoot off a long email to my sm coordinator. third thing: breakfast and declaring the success of a sent email to my mother.

chelsea said...

hehehehe, i REALLY miss you guys! I woke up to a billion thoughts running through my head--stress, guilt, worry, frustration--so I tried to go back to sleep. But my dad kept texting me random unimportant things. And the light was bothering me. And the anticipation of the alarm compelled me to keep looking at the time. I guess if inner turmoil is going to wake me up in the morning, I'd better set aside some time to try and sort it out today. Then the only thing that will wake me up tomorrow is urine, or if I'm lucky, a fart.

Anthony said...

I woke up at 5 am with thoughts. Back to sleep till 6 am with more thoughts. Prayers helped the second time. 7 am for good. First thing I did was stand up, open my sliding glass door and stand in the cool air and stare at Wawona Dome, ahh serenity.

Ben Schnell said...

mine was the same as you Chris, ironically, as we were in the same camper... but luckily I wasn't forced until 9am :)

TaraB said...

Alarm at 7:00. Then again at 7:10. Then 7:20. Then a nice pee.

Jessi Jo said...

Oh goodness.

Alyssa said...

Chris. My blog, 6/23/08. Close enough? Thanks. Peace.

Lisa said...

I don't always have to comment, do I?