
because i can

Determination differs from person to person, and in my case, from day to day. I've often been determined to log ideal memories for later view at a consistent rate, but as of yet, have never been more consistent than the fact that I still do it randomly since I started that first day a long time ago when our little kitty died.

So, to stay christoffer-consistent, here's a random what's up:

Dad sent us some reports on life in the Raleigh evangelistic fast lane these past few weeks and they brought tears to my eyes that I can't explain. Stories of lives changed by nothing else besides the Holy Spirit working on hearts through the power of the Word of God presented to them is apparently a moving read. It revives at least the smoke of the flicker I once had to take record of and spread those kinds of experiences to others in the family of Christ in order to inspire and encourage the harvesters to continue working. Many of us are quite content to sit and eventually die. Even when the brain is stimulated, somehow comfort of immobility overrules the desire to move and change things. Even when it is convinced that action would bring fulfillment...I guess it's just too much work.

Sabbath I was finally convinced to go summer sledding at The Hill with The Others. I had a good time, as usual. There were some sweet little kids there having a blast going slowly down the hill on their magic cardboards. Push, they would tell me. So I did. Over and over and over. Emily would often remind me that they were fine and would push themselves, in which case I obliged. Her brothers were a different story: never forgetting that I was there to increase their momentum. How delightful.

I am procrastinating something serious on an Islam paper due for World Religions. It's reinforcing my belief (and hope!?) that getting through school for me so far has been all about understanding the numbers and the teachers. If I can figure out what the syllabus says about assignment values and total points, then some assignments are just not necessary to complete. And if I ever figure out how the teacher ticks, then I'm in a much better position for such things as essays and late work, etc. I wouldn't feel slighted, however, if I were to receive a much-less-than-passing grade on this first draft. What am I learning in school right now? That how you approach your studies is key.

1 comment:

TaraB said...

Christoffer! You are one talented writer my friend. I'm glad you were part of the cardboard sledding experience.

Thanks for being so awesomely nice today....