
Something's happening to me

First, I have to say that I'm enjoying reading everyone's blogs.  Personally, I like it a lot.  Definitely more than Facebook.  I don't even miss that thing.  I don't want to say I recommend unplugging from it, but...

Okay, so something's happening to me and I don't understand it yet.  But with all these nostalgic thoughts floating around this evening, I guess this fits right in.  At least, in the sense that I will be journaling a lot of the current stuffs and then someday I will also look back and read them.  And understand better.  And see growth or at least change.

I am learning a lot from Mervin.  It's not that he's teaching me.  Or that he knows something that I don't.  Or that he has read more or anything like that.  I don't think.  I think it's more like I'm just gaining more perspective from him.  His way, the Peruvian way in many instances, is different than Christoffer's way.  Talking with Mervin is leading me to ideas that had never occurred to me before.  Not original ideas.  Used ones, to be sure.  But new to me.

There's a lot about this SDA, Christian, stewardship, godliness, sacrifice, missionary, disciple, trust-in-Jesus thing that has never been a part of my consideration.  Or understanding.  Or view.  Or something.  I think that I'm lacking so very much.  It's not like that's news to me.  But I think I'm starting to see some specific lacks.  Some specific differences where I could decide to change.  Improve?  I don't know.  But I think by the end of my time here I could be a person with more concrete, and much different, ideas about how to be human on this earth, in the context of a great controversy and second coming and death-for-my-sins-on-the-cross.

I'm tempted to copy and paste this into a Word document and not press Publish Post.  But I've done that too often recently.  I guess I will decide not to feel dumb about pressing that button tonight even though this seems irrelevant to anyone but myself.  I just hope that I can continue to understand.  And not grow weary of it.

Chris, why is this important?  Why do you want to post this?  You're not coming to any conclusions.  You're not expressing anything of novelty.  You're not saying anything that is very applicable in a tangible way to someone who might read this.  You've disabled comments.  You're not sure you'd want to get feedback anyway.  As if there was anything to respond to in this post.  And that's my point.  But later, later what will you think of these words that you are typing?  How will you feel?  Embarrassed?  Ridiculously stupid or immature?  Impressed?  Excited?  Discouraged?  It's almost 7:30 p.m.  Lima, Peru.  Waiting for Mervin.  Not sure what your thoughts are.  The words understand, express, idea, thought... they're getting overused.  What's happening to me?  Nothing big.  I'm hungry though.  I know that.  I wonder, if anyone reads this, would they tell me?   This part feels so fun and sly.  Where's Sherlock!?