
I felt like a kid again

That's essentially what I got to journal about last night.  For the first time in years, I felt like I was in high school, reading a book that took me in which I was willing to sit still for hours for and stay up late for and finish, all in one night.  That's what I did when I was a kid.  I'd stay up super late reading, sometimes after Dad went to bed so he wouldn't see my lamplight and come in telling me I should sleep.  Then sometimes I'd also get up super early before school so that I could keep reading or even finish the book.  I used to carry a book with me to class and in the halls.  And on drives to wherever and during supper and all that.  Those were the good days.  And then I got friends.  And could listen to music.  And watch movies.  And train for triathlons.

Last night when I wrote in my journal, was also the first time I've done that in a long time.  I looked.  I had written about four times in the past 14 or so months.  That's awful.  The worst I've done since when I didn't have a journal.  It felt good to handwrite things again, even though it's awful stressful on the fingers and you sure can't keep up with your thoughts.  But they seem to become clearer with handwriting, if I can just force myself to use a pen instead of this keyboard.

After reading that book, and going back to my younger years, and journaling, I was able to just sit and think.  It was about 2 in the morning.  I haven't done that in a while either.  I loved it very much.  There was something real about it.  So if that last entry seemed like a low, this was the high.  Go figure.

I'm sure the thoughts and feelings I had last night will fade soon enough.  They will become lost in the mess of tomorrow and in the stress and monotony of work.  And in the base animal characteristics of mine like hunger and needing to go to the bathroom and sleep.  But I wrote them down.  And I came up with three reasons that I want to live.  Which isn't as morbid as it sounds.  And for last night, at least, I was stoked about it.  And it even spilled over into today.  Which also hasn't happened in a long time.

die alive. love my own. change the world.