
I haven't seen The Social Network yet, nor had I any desire to do so.  Maybe I just hadn't heard or read enough about it (i.e. nothing).

Last night we were eating at a little restaurant (I had lomo saltado) where there was a little TV.  A couple dogs came in to visit, too.  And there was a toy-grabbing claw machine thing that played the same 6-note jingle over and over (literally, six notes; I counted).  The movie Ice Age finished up and then the Oscars came on.  It was hard to understand because we'd be trying to focus on the English, but then the Spanish interpreters would come on blaring.  The mind was confused.

So today in one of my various what's-happening-in-the-world-alerts a headline about the Oscars.  Since it was so near and dear to me for a few minutes last night, I looked in on the article.

Like I said, I had no desire to see The Social Network.  I didn't know what it was about, really.  Still don't. But this made me think I'll probably see it eventually:

I do like The West Wing.