What could I do to make it the best quarter of my bajillion years of school experience? I could go to class naked. And immediately end my school experience. I could do all my homework and study my butt off to bring my grades up (the slightly above average was not only a reference to the quality of my time during the next two months). And immediately regret that decision. I could keep doing whatever I'm doing and keep regretting everything I'm regretting. Yep, sounds good.
I realized the other day that I listen to too much music even though it doesn't seem like overkill yet at all. But I have a hard time washing dishes or eating a meal or cleaning my room without thinking I'm not being as efficient as I could be unless I'm listening to music. So I turn it on. I realized that I don't leave myself time to just deal with thinking. It's hard for me to organize thoughts and have memories and philosophize in my head, so I try to avoid it. I think that's what my music is often for. Not all the time, but sometimes.
I loved biking this weekend. At one point, Ben and I raced a car that was a ways behind us to the next intersection. It was quite a race. My bike wouldn't shift down when we got to a slight incline, so Ben yelled at me to keep racing ahead and beat the car even though we were slowing down going uphill. I'm so glad he did. It was my favorite biking moment of my life. I was breathing so hard and my legs were pumping so hard and my happiness was hitting me so hard. I won. And in my head, I gave that car a sucker-punch to the face. Thanks, Ben.
Just for future reference: 500 calories a day, with no exercise, and only protein calories is an unfortunate diet. For present reference: this diet is not mine. Another present reference: it is of someone I knit with. Thank you EG Dubs (no relation to Nate) for NEWSTART. Or thank you to whoever summarized her messages into that clever acronym. And sorry for being a lifelong Adventist and not being too clear on where NEWSTART came from. Etc.
It's 11:33. My last quarter of college starts in less than half an hour. I feel like running away would be ideal right about now. But on the other hand, I could just do it in two months. But on the other hand, I have five fingers. But on the other foot, why ever would I want to run away after finishing so many silly years of school? But on the other foot, isn't that when everyone runs away? But on the other kidney, when will I learn to live productively alone? But on the other kidney, it's not good for man to be alone.
I just randomly thought of the owls who fly those two earthling children from the Narnia place to the other Narnia place. I think Wumblemuffin or whatever is in that one. He's pessimistic and earthy and has webbed fingers. He's my main man. He burns himself in that book. But he defeats the silly underground witch and saves the prince who sat in the silver chair and yelled something in the name of Aslan. Too hoo! Too hoo! Go the owls. Or something like that. Go read Tara's blog. She actually says useful things. Thank you, Tara. Really.
This is officially one of my favorite blogs, all time.
I've said it many times...but I'll say it again, I am SO PROUD to be your friend! We're making a list, and we're doing it. Above average is the theme this quarter. Period.
Chreeeeees!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE your blog! I LOVE IT! Also, I love you, too. =) I hope that's nice and awkward. You are awesome and I want to make memories with you, friend. MEMORIES that you can't forget, even if that means I have to be the one to remind you.
i read this
and i did in fact like it very much. but...lets not get too ambitious...slightly kidding but slightly not as well
i think i'm going to have to adopt your attitude. let's make this last quarter rock!
a. mucho banana bread
b. jam sessions
c. spanish homework.... :)
d. random whateverness that we find to do
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