
I hope you have a good day.

This is the result of a conversation with BJ Orn last night and of desperate searching for something to quickly write about this morning.  It may end up in the Accent on Thursday, but frankly, I sent it in way late and am not sure if they'll use it or not.  So, take it either just in case or as a preview.  I hope you have a good day:

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'"

This is not a quote from Psalms.  Nor Paul or Ellen White or Mark Finley. It’s by Erma Bombeck in Triathlete Magazine. And I liked it anyway.

When it comes down to it, I’m quite certain that someday, when I “stand before God,” the only thing that will really matter will be whether or not I did everything I could to know Him. The longer I suck oxygen out of this atmosphere, the more God is making it clear that when He says He is love, He means that He is love to me.

The talent that I want to deplete myself of before I die is that of loving God back.  It seems almost an impossible task with all my shortcomings and wanderings and distractions.  But I will still hope. “I used every single bit of talent, everything You gave me.  To love You back.

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”
 (Deuteronomy 6:4,5)


Alyssa said...

Isn't it funny? It becomes exhausting to do anything with all my heart, all my soul, and all my strength. I almost think that if I brought all of that to bear on one thing, it would be overwhelming...so it's still shocking to me that this is what God both gives us and wants from us. But when you throw your entire self, every scrap of talent into knowing him, knowing his soul, instead of being empty of what you began with...there's more. So much more. Good reminder--I needed to remember that today.
And yes, it's a lovely morning.

chelsea said...

So good. So true.

krista said...


Nicholas said...

Dang son. This was good enough to give me a little shiver.

Anonymous said...

Cool thoughts Chris...the thought of loving God this much and seeking Him this intensely is inspiring. I like how you mention using our talents, in the best way, for Christ....I hope it ends up in the Accent.

Miss Jehle said...

I agree. This should be published.

Janet Martin said...

I just found your blog. VERY NICE!!! The line 'when I stand before God'...is really powerful!It gives me an idea for a poem!