
The Magers Meeting and Other Annoying Things

Magers stopped me today and basically said Nate and I either have to find a roommate (or two?) or find somewhere else to live.  That's how I took it, anyway, but I'm not too assertive or anything, so maybe he just took advantage of me.  Ironically, he bumped into me in the Student Center while I stood dumbfounded at story that was playing on CNN about some teen who had raped a woman on the side of the road (SIDE OF THE ROAD) in broad daylight and no one (NO ONE) stopped to help.  One lady called the police.

What a sick world.  I thought about what I would have done had I been passing by.  I honestly don't know.  But I really hope I would be aware enough to at least notice if a woman was being raped.  I mean, I doubt she was enjoying it or that it was quiet or unsuspicious-looking.  Teen.  Woman.  Side of road.  What!?!?  Dang.

Adrienne and I have been working a bit on our Communication Club's budget and such, because paperwork for it is due tomorrow.  Well, crap.  Unfortunately, our club is pretty lame (don't tell anyone, and I apologize if this offends anyone who may randomly read this.  I am an officer, so I feel like I have a little bit of leeway in the matter of opinion toward the club.).  We don't really do much all year.  We don't charge dues (although we are possibly changing this as we type, so to speak...er...type).  We don't have good attendance.  We don't do many things as a club.  We don't have any club spirit.  We don't have any recognition from other students.  It's pretty sad.  Ideally, in my head at least, the Communication Club could be a strong force behind campus-wide discussion, behind getting news out to the dorms and to the community students, about keeping some kind of connection between our faculty and students (of our department specifically).  I imagine us watching good journalism movies (we're watching State of Play in class tomorrow!) together while eating sugary snacks and drinking caffeinated beverages like the stereotypes seem to do in the movies themselves.  I imagine us bonding over a good discussion of media ethics or new journalism.  I imagine posters and photos and articles decking the walls of our first floor domain so that we can enjoy our talents and encourage one another to strive for the top.  I imagine us trying to learn how to be objective in our truth-securing methods of reporting, of always vowing to work for the citizen and for the truth, not for the publication owner's who want the money.

Instead, our officers make sandwiches and pour drinks for the convocations (that aren't as top-notch all the time as they could be).  We are all super busy seniors who have no time to improve this potentially amazing club.  We would all like for it to be awesome, but we can't do it.  We need the support of other students in our department.  We need the support of our faculty.  Basically, I need to stop ranting because my eyes are already bloodshot and midnight is still three and a half minutes away and no one needs to read all this.  So if you made it this far, God bless you.  You are good to me.  Goodnight.


Nicholas said...

I made it all the way through. What do i need to do to collect on my blessings?

chelsea said...

Another roommate, eh? Three and a half minutes from midnight, eh? (That's to prove that I made it all the way thru also.) It feels good to rant. I rant in writing, but I'm too wimpy to actually post it.

TaraB said...

Sorry I'm not a better supporter. As your fellow friend in the same department I feel like I could probably do better as well. That story about that rape incident makes me sick. SICK. I wonder if those people felt like complete jerks when they saw the news and realized that they were THERE. Ugh. So, by connecting all of the things you wrote in this post I've concluded that... we, as humans, can be pretty lame. I wish we were better at being better.